Sunday 29 January 2023

Ancestor Veneration for Kids

It is easy to venerate ancestors as a family. "Venerate" is a fancy word that means to honour or show respect to. 

What you need:

  • a low table
  • photos of ancestors
  • a bowl
  • a pitcher or jug with water
  • incense or steam diffuser
  1. Wash your hands and face.
  2. Gather supplies on the low table.
  3. Sit, stand, or kneel in front of the low table. (You want to still be able to reach the things on it.)
  4. With adult help, light the incense or start the steam diffuser. Use it to purify yourself by wafting the steam or smoke over yourself with your hands. While you do this you can say these words:
  5. "I am pure, I am clean, I am present in Midgard."
  6. Look at the pictures of your ancestors and knock on the table 3 times to call them in.
  7. Pick up the jug or pitcher and say:
  8. "From Urd's Well, pour out these memories. Let this water bless me and my family line."
  9. Pour out the water carefully into the bowl.
  10. Now you can tell your ancestors anything you want to share. If you want to ask them for something you should give them a special gift. It can be food or a pretty rock or flower you found, or whatever else you think they would like.
  11. Take as long as you want. If you have incense burning wait for it to burn out. Then you should clean up the incense and any offerings that shouldn't stay there for whatever reason. Ask your family how they want things cleaned up, as each family will have its own rules.

Ancestor Veneration for Kids

It is easy to venerate ancestors as a family. "Venerate" is a fancy word that means to honour or show respect to.  What you need: ...